Starting Eurorack With A Small Rig - Introduction

In the previous series "Build Your Own Synth" I focused on planning and building a larger sized euorack rig.  So what if you want to start with something smaller like 84HP or less?  This series will hopefully give you some advice and inspiration on how to go about it.

With a smaller system it's even more important to choose the modules and case that you will be happy with.  To build a system that fits a budget and inspires you to wiggle is the goal.  Here are a few approaches you can consider to make life easier:

  • Vertical - go with one modular brand you like and dive deep in terms of understanding everything about their aesthetics and sound.  This saves you time as researching all the modules of all the brands will be fun but very time consuming.  The goal is to get started and build from a base.
  • Thematic - build a kit for the type of music you prefer such as drone, ambient etc. as a starting point.  Again watching a lot of YouTube videos and creating a playlist of the ones you like most will go a long way.  After awhile you will begin to recognise which modules appear the most.  
  • Complimentary - are you making music already?  What type of sounds would help you with your current productions?  By and large modular synths can help you create backing tracks or lead melodies for your tracks.  Or they can help take your music in a unique direction by changing the way you work.

You'll find that it is likely going to be a bit of a combination of the above or some other approaches.  So have fun and enjoy the process because the results will definitely surprise and delight you either way.


Ready for the next steps?:

Starting Eurorack With A Small Rig - Part 1

Starting Eurorack With A Small Rig - Part 2

Starting Eurorack With A Small Rig - Part 3